
Poland Poland

CLM Organization

Though the Comboni Lay Missionaries (CLM) movement was established in Poland on the 10th of October 2010, lay missionaries had gone on the missions before that time.
As the name (CLM) suggests:

The CLM formation takes place in the Comboni community (MCCJ) in Cracow during the periodical formation meetings
During the formation process:

Through the international family of CLM we can share our experience with the lay missionaries from the various countries. Common experience of the same vocation and the same charisma gives us the filling of safety, responsibility for each other as well as the strength and support for the future.
Currently formation meetings of CLM in Poland are taking part in the MCCJ community in Cracow, Skosna 4 Street.

Meet the CLM

How to Contact:

Website - Facebook - email


Surface: 312.685 Km2

Population: 38.386.000 hab.

urban (60%) rural (40%)

Capital: Warsaw

Language: Polish.

Life expectancy: 78.5 años

IDH: 0.880

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